About the Beyond Prejudice Training Program

Beyond Prejudice is a training program for the reduction of prejudicial behavior. The research here has been done by Paul Pedersen and people using his model. I have made some adjustments to the program to make it useful with a wider population.  Paul Pedersen was fully aware of my adaptation with his model and he wrote up my work in his book, Hidden Messages in Culture-Centered Counseling. Pedersen then invited me to present my work with him at the national conference of the American Counseling Association.

What is the Beyond Prejudice training program?

The program includes a manual and ten videos. It has been put together in a way that will allow the leader to present the material in a number of different ways.

The Resource Team

The training takes advantage of the knowledge and experience of local members of minority groups or disenfranchised people. Utilizing their knowledge and experience to develop an understanding and empathy with those being trained.

To conduct this training one needs to have members of groups who have been the victims of prejudiced behavior. It is important to have these people participate in pairs. One sharing experiences where they felt the prejudicial behavior of others toward them, while the second person provides a cultural perspective that is specific to the situation. This second person reflects upon the person in training and the interpretations the listeners behavior or possible reactions.

WARNING: Warning these materials should not be used with people who are strongly prejudiced.  Participation in any training with these materials should be voluntary. To require people to take part in this sort of training can be very upsetting for some people and can intensify resentment or prejudicial attitudes.


I have seen the videos that adapt, the work of the Triad Model, and this seems like an exciting adaptation…

Dr. Paul Pedersen, Syracuse University

The workshop is among the most comprehensive available. A product of current research the contexts are realistic. It provides ample materials for an ongoing series, Jim Cole is to be congratulated for the rich materials included in this multi media program.

Dr. Herb Horikawa, Past President, Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors

This is a much needed training program-working to make a difference. Knowing Jim Cole personally, I know he walks the talk..

Gazella A. Summitt, Past President, American Association for Affirmative Action